Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome Fairview YIG Members!

This website is meant for Fairview High School students to upload and comment on their bills and resolutions for the Colorado Youth in Government program. If you're looking for a great way to get your friends at YIG to review your bill and comment on it, or even just looking for interesting bills to sponsor, you've come to the right place!

If you have a bill to submit to the site, email Max your bill and it will be up with the others shortly thereafter. Remember that Nov. 15 is the deadline for all bills and resolutions, but you can still submit your bill later if you want suggestions for your authorship speech, preparation for potential arguments, etc.

You can search or browse the bills using the labels on the right. Feel free to comment with helpful suggestions, and best of luck at the General Assembly!

Alexander Atallah
Senate Committee Chair